RBI's Sandbox Cohort: Five MSME Lending Products Successfully Tested

In a recent release, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced the successful completion of the test phase for five MSME lending products as part of its regulatory sandbox cohort. These products underwent evaluation based on predefined test scenarios and expected outcomes.

The entities whose MSME lending products have successfully completed the test phase are FinAGG Technologies Private Limited, Mynd Solutions Private Limited, Rupifi Technology Solutions Private Limited, Small Industries Development Bank of India, and SysArc Infomatix Private Limited. Their innovative solutions demonstrate potential benefits for the MSME sector.

RBI also introduced the fifth cohort under the regulatory cohort scheme. This framework enables live testing of new products or services within a controlled regulatory environment, providing a secure space for businesses. Regulators may grant specific relaxations for testing purposes.

The regulatory sandbox scheme welcomes innovative products, services, or technologies spanning various functions within RBI's regulatory domain. This initiative encourages the development of groundbreaking solutions that could significantly impact the MSME sector.

Entities interested in participating in the regulatory cohort can submit their applications from October 30th to November 30th. This window presents an opportunity for innovators to showcase their MSME-focused solutions.



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